Collective Theatrical Creation and Its Contribution to the Development of Interpersonal Skills in Young People from Communities Impacted by ViolenceComo hecho social, la violencia está inmersa en la génesis y el curso actual de Colombia. Desde la ciudadan

  • María del Pilar Reales Rizo Universidad del Atlantico
Keywords: violencia; teatro; creación colectiva teatral; comunidad violence; theater; collective theatrical creation; community


Violence in Colombia has been a fact of life for generations. Despite governmental efforts, it is part of everyday life and even an undesirable characteristic of the nation. Culture, and speci- fically theatre and its collective creation, offer an approach to this problem. This article reviews the concept of violence and its effects on young people. It also examines the preliminary research on the subject and offers the possibility for future in- terdisciplinary work to broaden knowledge on the subject and its potential application in different parts of the country.


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How to Cite
Reales Rizo, M. del P. (2021). Collective Theatrical Creation and Its Contribution to the Development of Interpersonal Skills in Young People from Communities Impacted by ViolenceComo hecho social, la violencia está inmersa en la génesis y el curso actual de Colombia. Desde la ciudadan. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 113-124. Retrieved from