Notas a Un hueco en la ciudad

  • Eduardo Chavarro Universidad del Atlantico
Keywords: teatro de audífonos; Año Francia-Colombia; pedagogía; intercambio bilingüe; hearing aid theater, France-Colombia Year; pedagogy; bilingual exchange


The artistic exchange project Un hueco en la ciudad, con- ceived and directed by Charlie Windelschmidt, leader of the Dérézo Company, from Brest, France, was promoted by the mixed Franco-Colombian organizing committee, within the framework of the official program of the France-Colombia Year 2017, with the support of the French Alliances of Barranquilla, Medellín and Bogotá. Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad de Antioquia and Universidad Nacional participated in its re- alization, together with the École Nationale Supérieure d’Art Dramatique du TNB (Théâtre National de Bretagne). Five stu- dents and a teacher from the UA Dramatic Art Program par- ticipated in it. Itinerant human and artistic experience (Barran- quilla, Medellín and Bogotá, in the first phase, in March-April; and Rennes, Brest and Bordeaux, in the month of October, the second), Un hueco en la ciudad consisted of putting into action, in the public space, a show in which the performers, incognito amid the flow of the city, invented a theater which the spectators would witness through their headphones, with- out the passers-by being able to detect it as such. The project brought together a generation of authors (five students from the Master of Creative Writing at Universidad Nacional) and sixteen French, and Colombian actors who, equipped with HF microphones, tackled rigorously rehearsed and bilingual acts in the ever-changing public space.


How to Cite
Chavarro, E. (2021). Notas a Un hueco en la ciudad. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 95-112. Retrieved from