Digital Quarantine

  • Luis Julio Carbajal Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: memes memes


The hypercor memes that I present below as a graphic proposal for the first edition of BETA magazine are part of the series of digital collages QUARANTENADIGITAL, with which I experiment in confinement the popular image from the absurd, the everyday and the viral, using images from the sticker, advertising and the meme as experimentation and point of attack to develop criticism and opinion with the absurd, humor and farce. (Attached in the mail the artistic statement of C U A R E N T E N A D I G I T A L, along with the four experimental memes


How to Cite
Julio Carbajal, L. (2020). Digital Quarantine. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 117-124. Retrieved from