Stalker and the metaphysical necessity of man in Schopenhauer

  • Rafael Gutiérrez Bossa Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Schopenhauer, Tarkovski, Metafísica, Stalker, Voluntad Schopenhauer, Tarkovski, Metaphysics, Stalker, Will


In this article I present an analysis of the metaphysical necessity of man and the conflicts generated by the constant search for the meaning of existence. To do this, I will rely on man as a metaphysical animal expressed by Schopenhauer in Volume II of The World as Will and Representation, who confronts this metaphysical need in the world of representations from a “doctrine of conviction”. This problem is also reflected in the work of Andrei Tarkovski Stalker, who highlights faith as a metaphysical value in relation to the Schopenhauerian will as an impulse to life and desire to exist.


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Schopenhauer, A. (2009). El Mundo Como Voluntad y Represen tación II. Madrid: Trotta.
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Vega, A. (2009). “La Paradoja de La Voluntad En Schopenhauer: La Manifestación de Una No Escogencia.” Revista Espiga 18.
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Bossa, R. (2020). Stalker and the metaphysical necessity of man in Schopenhauer. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 53-60. Retrieved from