Between Reason and Freedom: Schönberg’s legacy from Th. W. Adorno’s philosophy

  • Samira Vargas Vásquez Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: música, adorno, schönberg, arte, teoría crítica music, adornment, schönberg, art, critical theory


Th. W. Adorno was a German philosopher and one of the most important representatives of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. His work was framed on critical Marxist theory, as well as he was widely interested in aesthetics thanks to his extensive knowledge of art, culture and music. This paper means to carry out an analysis of the author’s aesthetic through the development of his authentic philosophy. As methodology it will present an examination of the sociophilosophical category of cultural industry and its impact on the production of the artwork. Secondly, a description of the artistic experience in music is performed from the aesthetic theory in Adorno’s philosophy. Finally, the artwork of the Viennese composer Arnold Schönberg will be used, which marked the line of the New Music as a representation of authentic and free expression in musical composition.


Adorno, T. W. (1985). Impromptus. Serie de artículos musicales impresos de nuevo. Traducción de Andrés Sanchez Pascual. Editorial Laia.
Adorno, T. W. (2003). Filosofía de la Nueva Música. Traducción de Alfredo Brotons Muñoz. Ediciones Akal.
Adorno, T. W. (2004). Teoría estética. Traducción de Jorge Navarro Pérez. Ediciones Akal.
Adorno, T. W. (2009). Disonancias. Introducción a la sociología de la música. Traducción de Gabriel Menéndez Torrellas. Ediciones Akal.
Horkheimer, M., & Adorno, T. W. (1998). Dialéctica de la Ilustración. Traducción de Juan José Sanchez. Editorial Trotta.
How to Cite
Vargas Vásquez, S. (2020). Between Reason and Freedom: Schönberg’s legacy from Th. W. Adorno’s philosophy. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 45-52. Retrieved from