C.F5, New Bodies

  • John Atencia Torres Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Bioarte, cuerpo, híbridos, postbiología, trans/post-humanismo Bioarte, cuerpo, híbridos, postbiology, trans/post-humanismo


CF.5 is research to develop an artistic exhibition that explores the plant body inviting new ways of thinking, building, decoding and approaching the reconstruction of a body without organization, which is composed and decomposed with the inorganic through the theory of the postbiology and bioart. The aim is simulating the exploration of extensions with pieces of mechanical or electronic equipment that complement it. The aim is to think about technology and the body, using the
reference to the modifications that humans make. It searches to think about the bodies through the other bodies like other artists have experienced (Sterlac, Orlan, Marcel · Lí, Kac, George Gessert).


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How to Cite
Atencia Torres, J. (2020). C.F5, New Bodies. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 19-24. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/Beta/article/view/2711