"From splendor to ruins" After the patrimonial legacy of the Geo-history of the Faculty of Fine Arts

  • María del Pilar Reales Rizo Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Geo-historia, Bellas Artes, Patrimonio Geo-history, Fine Arts, Heritage


This article presents the approach to the genesis, decline and abandonment of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barranquilla. From the author's perspective, Geo-history offers the opportunity to promote reflections on the conditions that led to the devastation of this historical heritage. Similarly, it raises the need to evaluate the role of society and particularly of government entities in the problem. It concludes that it is imperative to generate a deep dialogue to articulate space with the territory; action that is possible from the intervention and generation of policies from the Universidad del Atlántico and the department to promote the dynamism of the arts in the heritage neighborhood “El Prado”.


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How to Cite
Reales Rizo, M. del P. (2020). "From splendor to ruins" After the patrimonial legacy of the Geo-history of the Faculty of Fine Arts. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 11-18. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/Beta/article/view/2710