Development of spatial thinking skills through the concepts of area and perimeter through the typological areas in children with visual impairment in an inclusive classroom

  • Alejandro J. Cuadrado-Palomino Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: visual disabilities, inclusion, thinking spatially, abilities of spatial thinking, tiflologicas areas. Discapacidad visual, inclusión, pensamiento espacial, áreas tiflológicas, habilidades del pensamiento espacial.


The learner with visual impairment as a regular child also has an educational need with the difference that this is special. Which leads to the child in search of the apprehension of knowledge, are worth his remaining senses to replace their disability in one way or another, to thus offset their cognitive problem. For this reason, the inclusion is important improving factor. Nowadays we find foundations where children with such disabilities are treated as equals, using the theme of inclusion, which allows an equality where the child is comfortable. But, how can integrate without to include, or include without to integrate? Do you see this inclusion in the region?

With this perspective, a method and pedagogical strategies that behavior so that help the learner with visual impairments to understand how to solve problems of area and perimeter, so they develop spatial thinking, it is what is being sought. As a result, it is difficult to conceptualize the development of the skills of the learners with visual impairment, although they see reflex in the educational goals of the majority of institutional projects, mostly related to the good performance of mathematics.

The National Education Ministry (MEN), talks about some of the duty be institutions. Poses that inclusion means, then, serve with quality and relevance to the needs common and specific to this population present. As previously mentioned, "inclusion", is what you want to show in this work, therefore we want to innovate the educational process to let mark and motivation in the learners, contributing to the development of abilities of spatial thinking through tiflológicas areas.

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How to Cite
Cuadrado-Palomino, A. J. (2017). Development of spatial thinking skills through the concepts of area and perimeter through the typological areas in children with visual impairment in an inclusive classroom. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 4(1). Retrieved from