Measurement, Axiomatic Method and Poverty Measures: A Revision

  • Pedro Harmath Departamento de Investigación de Operaciones y Estadística, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto-Venezuela
Keywords: Poverty, Measurement of poverty, Axioms, Measures of poverty. Pobreza, Medicion de la pobreza, Axiomas, Medidas de pobreza.


In this article we present a review of the literature concerning the measurement of poverty from the income distribution. The definition of the poverty index is introduced, and then, we explain the main axioms that have emerged from the
quantification methodology proposed by Sen in 1976. Additionally, we exposed the indicators constructed from the axiomatic method to measure various features of the phenomenon, to finally, provide a set of considerations regarding the process of quantification and analysis of such complex features such as poverty and inequality.

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How to Cite
Harmath, P. (2017). Measurement, Axiomatic Method and Poverty Measures: A Revision. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 4(1). Retrieved from