Investigación y Acción 2023-12-07T11:57:50-05:00 Revista Investigación Acción Open Journal Systems <p>ENFOQUE Y ALCANCE <br>La&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>revista Investigación y Acción</strong>&nbsp;de la Universidad del Atlántico,&nbsp;&nbsp;es una publicación de carácter interdisciplinar, orientada a la divulgación de productos resultantes de procesos de investigación formativa desarrollados por la Universidad del Atlántico y enmarcada en saberes específicos de áreas como Arquitectura, Bellas Artes, Ciencias básicas, Educación, Nutrición y dietética, Química y farmacia,&nbsp;&nbsp;Ciencias económicas, Ciencias humanas, Ciencias jurídicas, e Ingenierías.</p> <p>Se establecen publicaciones con una periodicidad semestral, de manera digital y dando cumplimiento estricto a los procesos editoriales y de arbitraje que garanticen la calidad y pertinencia de los contenidos. Es financiada en su totalidad por la Universidad del Atlántico, la cual acoge los principios éticos y buenas prácticas editoriales, publicados en junio de 2015 por el Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, disponible en: ) y adscrita a la Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Extensión y Proyección Social, para su direccionamiento estratégico y dirección central.</p> <p><br>La revista Investigación formativa de la Universidad del Atlántico, considera los procesos de transformación en la enseñanza y generación de conocimiento; el entrenamiento intensivo en materia de investigación al interior de los semilleros, y en fomento del trabajo interdisciplinario como herramienta para la resolución de problemáticas del entorno económico, productivo y social. Al respecto, es importante destacar el enfoque hacia la preservación y visibilización de productos y esfuerzos resultantes de las actividades de investigación formativa en el contexto académico.</p> Teaching strategies to work on diversity in the mathematics classroom: systematic review 2023-11-15T20:36:45-05:00 Andrea Pacheco Jesús Blanquicett Alexander Rivera <p>Objective: Identify and characterize, in the different investigations, the strategies to work on diversity in mathematics classes in basic education and contribute to the debate concerning current problems. Method: This research was based on a systematic bibliographic review, through which research related to the various strategies to work on diversity in the classroom was searched from different databases. The established review period was eight years, from 2015 to 2023. Results: Teaching strategies to work on diversity in mathematics learning are characterized by adapting to different contexts and populations, taking into account social, cognitive, emotional and physical limitations of students. There are four fundamental aspects that can be highlighted. First, there is Universal Learning Design (UDL) where teachers identify the learning characteristics of students and design the lesson plan based on these characteristics. Secondly, the creation of interactive spaces between students stands out, where they work together in small groups. Finally, a variety of materials are used to respond to different learning styles.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción Design of educational strategies that allow raising awareness of the good use of drinking water in Sabanalarga Atlántico 2023-11-15T20:36:08-05:00 Daniela Yhojana Reales Pérez Yeimis Carolina Carracedo Rua <p>The design of educational strategies to raise awareness of the proper use of drinking water focuses on promoting knowledge and awareness of the importance of conserving this vital resource and encouraging responsible behavior. Water is an essential resource to maintain life in the ecosystem, but unfortunately it is being wasted in a worrying way. This form of waste has serious consequences for both nature and future generations. For this reason, we have developed an initiative with the aim of sensitizing the community about the negative impact that this has on our planet and fostering greater awareness to promote its improvement. The study used a research methodology with a qualitative approach that involved conducting surveys on a representative sample of 20 individuals from the population. In order to determine the use they give to drinking water from their homes. As a result of the surveys and interviews carried out, it was possible to verify that in the homes there was a notable waste of water in daily activities and in unauthorized vehicle washing practices. In addition, it was detected that some households resorted to fraudulent methods to avoid paying excessive bills related to water consumption.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción Analysis of Machine Learning techniques for predicting dropout of university students 2023-11-28T15:48:11-05:00 Juan Ramírez Joel Havit Gómez Andrea Daniela Ortega Herrera <p>Machine learning, which in Spanish means machines that learn, has the ability to predict the behavior of any system. To carry out machine learning, different algorithms are used that successfully develop what is desired. On the other hand, university student dropout is understood as the failure to complete an undergraduate or postgraduate degree due to definitive abandonment or change of major, due to different economic and academic factors. The methodology used is qualitative, not experimental, descriptive, the instruments used were computers. During this work, a bibliographic review of different academic articles found in magazines indexed at the international, national and local level was found, it was concluded that machine learning is an invaluable tool for higher education institutions to face the complex challenge of university dropout. By analyzing data and patterns hidden in them, it provides the possibility of timely identifying and assisting students at risk of dropping out.</p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción La posible relación entre las enfermedades mentales (Esquizofrenia, Alzheimer ) y la Diabetes Mellitus tipo II (DM-II) 2023-11-15T21:09:25-05:00 Kleydis Valentina Cervantes Pertuz Taly Ibeth Castillo Marchena Loraine Isabel Castro Altamiranda <p>En este artículo se discutirán temas cómo qué es la diabetes mellitus tipo II (redes neuronales e interacciones interhemisféricas) y su relación con el alzheimer (AE) con su desarrollo de lesiones cerebrales típicas de esta, agentes originalmente desarrollados para el tratamiento de la (DM -II) usados en el tratamiento de la AE y como la resistencia para la producción de insulina está arraigada en esta enfermedad, paralelamente como la esquizofrenia crónica (psico-afectivo) tiene un mayor riesgo a producir (DM- II), con los cambios de los diferentes mecanismos y su carga genética. </p> 2023-11-03T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción Games with cards as a didactic strategy for solving addition and subtraction problems with fourth grade students of the Educational Institution Alliance for Progress of the municipality in Suan-Atlántico 2023-11-28T15:17:42-05:00 Saraí Alvarez Gutiérrez Enan Pitalua Caseres Andrea Ortega Herrera <p>This research represents a significant contribution to the learning of improvement and subtraction in the mathematical discipline. It is entitled “The application of games with tokens as a creative strategy to improve the ability to solve addiction and subtraction problems with fourth grade students of primary education” It aimed to identify and improve additional problem solving skills and subtraction through the application of playful strategies such as mathematical games in fourth grade students of the Educational Institution Alliance for the progress of the municipality in Suan (Atlántico) Methodologically, it was based on a qualitative study. The population was made up of 36 4th grade students. as techniques, an interview and observation were applied. The theoretical references are based on creativity which allows students to obtain a positive vision in the area of mathematics. For the results obtained, the motivation and interest of the students through the game to solve the problems are highlighted. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that mathematical games motivate learning, change the perception towards mathematics and allow creativity, which reinforces previous knowledge, facilitates understanding and enhances the skills of students, making them capable of applying logic to solve problems. . The discussions of the results suggest that the application of mathematical games as didactic strategies contribute to the development of logical thinking, favor communication between students, and allow the strengthening of mathematical abilities and skills while having fun playing.</p> 2023-06-02T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción Formative Research Seedbeds and Projects: A Pedagogical and Didactic Strategy for Early Childhood Education 2023-12-07T11:57:50-05:00 Denisa Barros Arroyo Jesús Daniel Ruíz Lozano Martha Ortiz Padilla <p>Addressing education and training from a comprehensive perspective is a current challenge. The goal is to strengthen research skills in teachers in training with the aim of positively impacting society. Formative research suggests learning through concrete action, generating new educational perspectives, and acknowledging the complexity of the process. While teaching research involves theoretical aspects and structured reflections, formative research focuses on praxis, allowing for the active construction of thought. Additionally, it aims to promote a research culture and train researchers capable of addressing contextual problems. This initiative is guided by guidelines and methods that direct research, with projects and seedbeds being fundamental elements providing hypotheses, procedures, techniques, and instruments to address specific issues. In summary, projects play a crucial role in the research process by providing essential tools for development.</p> 2023-12-07T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación y Acción