Rhythmic Harmonic Analysis. Invention of J.S. Bach N 1 in C Mayor

  • Jorge Kent Biswell Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: musical, opera musical, opera


The “Invention” of the Latin “Invenire” (invent, discover) in its etymological definition as its name indicates, is a creation, a small instrumental piece, a rigorous two-part contrapuntal style studio that was created by J.S. Bach to encourage the development of this art of counterpoint, imitation and canon in his students. This musical form was little developed by other composers of the time and has no specific form. In the 20th century, Alban Berg (second school of Vienna) created a series of inventions in the composition of his Opera “Wozzeck”.


Berg, A. (1965). Why Is Schoenberg’s Music So Difficult to Understand. Alban Berg. Hartcout, New York, 189-204.
Bordas, C., Robledo, L., & Knighton, T. (1998). Jose Zaragoza’s box: science and music in Charles II’s Spain. Early Music, 391-413
Perle, G. (1985). The Operas of Alban Berg: Lulu. Univ of California Press. Vol 2.
How to Cite
Kent Biswell, J. (2023). Rhythmic Harmonic Analysis. Invention of J.S. Bach N 1 in C Mayor. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 59-77. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/Beta/article/view/4140