Musical suite from the Petrouschka ballet, a symbiosis between the folk music of the Colombian Caribbean and the neoclassicism of Igor Stravinsky

  • Jorge Guerra Morales Universidad del Atlántico
  • Diana Pedrosa Cadena Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Ballet, adaptaciones, puesta en escena, fusión Ballet, adaptations, staging, fusion


This research work proposes to unite the arts to the digital environment, fostering meeting spaces between local artists through virtual platforms. Suite Caribe marks the beginning of an open space that aims to function as a stage for artists who, from their professions, have something to share with the world. Specifically, this project makes an adaptation of the musical work Petrouschka contextualized with rhythms of the Colombian Caribbean and very specific cultural aspects of the folk dances of this territory, with fusion elements, carrying out the instrumental montage, the dance, the script and the contextualized -“mis en scene”.

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How to Cite
Guerra Morales, J., & Pedrosa Cadena, D. (2023). Musical suite from the Petrouschka ballet, a symbiosis between the folk music of the Colombian Caribbean and the neoclassicism of Igor Stravinsky. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 51-57. Retrieved from