The layers of reality in Apocalypse Now

  • Diego Valbuena Martón Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: estética, cine, estratos, Hartmann, Apocalypse Now aesthetics, film, layers, Hartmann, Apocalypse Now


The German philosopher Nicolai Hartmann, one of the most prolific of the 20th century (his work encompasses aesthetics, ontology and ethics) proposes at the core of his ontological theory the stratification of reality: the “real world” is constituted in dif ferent layers of consistency of being that range from the material to the symbolic levels. This article investigates the work of art as a layered complex and presents the plot relationship between the dif ferent layers through the first sequence of the film Apocalypse Now (F. Ford Coppola, 1979).


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How to Cite
Valbuena Martón, D. (2023). The layers of reality in Apocalypse Now. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 31-40. Retrieved from