EEF in mathematics with digital applications of the financial sector

  • S. Valbuena-Duarte Universidad del Atlántico
  • Sheylin Sepúlveda Universidad del Atlántico
  • Yuliana Castillo Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Economic and Financial Education, Strategies, Financial sector, skills in EEF, Apps. Educación Económica y Financiera, Estrategias, Sector Financiero, Competencias en EEF, Apps


Economic and Financial Education (EEF) under guidance of the Ministry of National Education of Colombia (MEN) has purpose to empower the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the informed decision making. This study has the aim of providing the mathematics teacher tools for the design of strategies that promote the development of EEF competences. It were studied different digital applications (Apps) that the financial sector presents to the common citizen to promote financial culture. As a result was found that the teacher could use the free Apps to develop and strengthen the skills in EEF. Concluding that the Apps of the financial sector are tools for the design of didactic strategies since it is possible to establish coherence with the guidelines of the MEN in order to develop competences in EEF in the students.

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How to Cite
Valbuena-Duarte, S., Sepúlveda, S., & Castillo, Y. (2020). EEF in mathematics with digital applications of the financial sector. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 7(1), 81-90. Retrieved from