Construction of M wavelet matrices

  • Yenny Carolina Rangel-Oliveros Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador \\ Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas \\ Escuela de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Sede Quito, Ecuador.
Keywords: Wavelets, Multiresolution Analysis, Fourier Transform. Ondiculas, Análisis, multirresolucion, Transformada de Fourier.


This article contains a detailed description of the generalization of sequences of orthogonal wavelets of rank 2 made by Daubechies for the case of M wavelet matrices made by Heller, in where we construct several examples that describe in a friendly way the theory developed by Daubechies and Heller.

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How to Cite
Rangel-Oliveros, Y. C. (2018). Construction of M wavelet matrices. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 5(2). Retrieved from